Campi Regionais
São Gonçalo - English

The history of the São Gonçalo Campus is marked by a well-established tradition in the training of professionals in the field of Education. The unit houses several environmental projects catering for the local community.
The Science Department of the Teacher Training Faculty (DCIEN/FFP/UERJ) develops teaching, research and extra mural activities in the field of environmental education. The aim of these activities is both to recover land which has been laid to waste, and to improve the quality of community life, as well as to preserve important "Conservation Units of the Tropical Coastal Range Forest of the State of Rio de Janeiro". The Environmental Recovery Program of the Teacher Training Faculty Campus and its Surroundings is active in the community and in the public sector schools in the vicinity of the campus within the São Gonçalo municipality. The reforestation of the area, developed by means of student mini-projects, was the initial aim of the program, which later encompassed and included questions relating to basic sanitation, hygiene and health. The DCIEN students are also developing work projects in the town of Santa Maria Madalena and in the adjoining Desengano State Park (PED/RJ), with the purpose of providing data which will help in the preservation of the Conservation Units. The resulting interviews have generated a profile of the relationship between the town´s inhabitants and the State Park. This profile has underlined the communities´ desire for environmental education and has improved their knowledge of this important heritage. In addition, the Science Department has developed research projects in the State Park of the Tiririca Mountain Chain (PEST/RJ) in the city of Niterói. This State Park has suffered from a rapid process of degradation due to pressure to develop the land for urban development. Here a series of student activities is being developed together with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) as "Forest Protectors", whose final aim is to preserve the Conservation Units. At the FFP, environmental education acts as a bridge between various activities and thus brings academic debates closer to the social reality of which the Faculty is part, and, in this way, contributes towards the knowledge and efforts to recover and preserve the threatened ecosystems.
• Teacher Training Faculty
Doctor Francisco Portela Street, 794
Paraíso - São Gonçalo - Rio de Janeiro / Brazil
Zip Code: 24.435-000
Telephone: 55 (21) 2604-3232
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