Campi Regionais
Resende - English

The setting up of both the Resende Campus and its course in Production Engineering are the result of a partnership between UERJ, the Resende City Council and the Rio de Janeiro Federation of Industries, Firjan. The campus caters for the important metal-mechanic and chemical industrial hub of the state of Rio de Janeiro.
The environmental activities in Resende encompass aspects of Environmental Administration as well as Environmental Technology and Control. The field of Environmental Administration came into being spontaneously, together with the course, as it is oneof the natural sub-areas of Production Engineering, according to ABEPRO (the Brazilian Association of Production Engineering). Environmental Technology and Control derived from the interest of the university teachers who came to work on the Campus. The research carried out by this team of teachers may be summarized as
- Environmental Auditing and Assessment of Environmental Impact;
· Technical Assessment of tool and process selection for Environmental Control;
· Studies relating to the Recycling of Water Resources in industrial installations;
· Research and Development in the area of Air Pollution and Vehicle Emission;
· Research and Development in the area of Treatment of Liquid Effluents by Photocatalytic Oxidation;
· Studies related to the implementation of improvements in the processes of treatment and control of industrial waters aimed at optimum use of resources;
· Compilation of specialist bibliographical archive covering legislation, technology and control methodologies in the field of environmental studies;
· Accreditation of Chemical Research Laboratories for carrying out research in environmental control;
· Studies of air dispersion of contaminants emitted from stationary industrial sources
Resende Regional Campus
Estrada Resende - Riachuelo, no number - Morada da Colina
Resende - Rio de Janeiro
Zip Code: 27.523-000
Telephone: 55 (24) 3354-0194 / 3354-7875
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