Campi Regionais
Rio de Janeiro - English

The Maracanã Campus is located within an area of 150 thousand square meters, and is the site of 38 undergraduate courses, as well as 25 post-graduate programs, offered by its 22 academic departments.
The Negrão de Lima university campus, in Maracanã, houses 22 academic units. It is on this campus that the majority of the university´s teaching, research and extramural activities are developed. Among the projects aimed at the preservation of the environment , the most noteworthy are those devoted to the area of environmental education, the cleaning up of the Guanabara Bay, in addition to consultancy work for the Rio de Janeiro State Government, including the construction of the underwater sewage pipeline for Barra da Tijuca, an urban district of the city of Rio de Janeiro. Programs for refuse recycling, administration of land and water resources, as well as studies on crude oil, also reflect a concern with the environment. Our mission is to direct our academic-scientific efforts to match the needs of the population of state of Rio de Janeiro. The environmental projects being developed at present focus on studies and actions related to natural resources and their relationship with human beings. To this end, these project aim at identifying problems, discussing public policies, and stimulating the general public to preserve both the environment and the quality of life.
• Maracanã Campus
São Francisco Xavier Street, 524
Maracanã - Rio de Janeiro / Brazil
Zip Code 20.559-900
Telephone: 55 (21) 2587-7100
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